7 Housing Options for Seniors

Aging in place

Several municipal, state, and federal organizations provide income-based housing for seniors. At all levels, subsidized housing systems are complicated.

Moving in with the kids

Life plan communities, often known as continuing care retirement communities, or CCRCs, enable seniors to transition from independent living to assisted living to skilled nursing care on one site. 

House sharing

ALF commonly bridges independent living with nursing home care. Some institutions charge an entry fee and a monthly cost that includes food and utilities. 

Independent living communities

In age-restricted buildings, senior apartments begin. These buildings may contain a pool or gym, but no meals or transportation.

Assisted living

Silvernest and Senior Homeshares are for elderly people looking for housemates or renting space to similar people.

Life plan communities

Making these agreements work requires clear parameters from the outset. Establish shared expectations for cooperative living, personal space, and bill sharing.

Subsidized housing

Many houses may be safe and pleasant for retirees by relocating a bedroom on the main floor and putting grab bars in the bathroom.

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